The Puzzling Symptoms of Low Iron

Mainline has become synonymous with expertise, safety and efficiency when it comes to iron infusions.

Throughout its growth, Mainline has continued to operate under this founding principle: to help clients feel better and live fuller lives through safe and timely access to IV iron therapies.


Special Interview with Patient Tracy B!

How did you become aware that you were suffering from low iron?

Like many people, I didn’t know what I didn’t know…I was also experiencing some puzzling symptoms without getting answers. More than simply feeling tired, I was having hair and skin issues. My hair, which had always been thick, started becoming quite thin and brittle. I was also experiencing some hormonal imbalances. However, everything was being explained as just natural aging (having entered my 40s) or stress-related, especially as many of the symptoms onset during the pandemic. I finally took the proactive step of seeking a good naturopath, which was key to my recovery. I initially began investigating my thyroid with my naturopath, as I do have a family history. We determined that my thyroid numbers weren’t ideal but they also weren’t far enough out of range to likely be the primary issue. From there, we tested my iron levels. To my surprise, the results of that test began to explain everything. My iron was incredibly low. I hadn’t really thought about iron levels at all prior to that. I don't know how long it was an underlying issue before I diagnosed it, but when I did, it had gotten to the point of being very severe. Overall, I was also surprised to learn how many symptoms of iron deficiency and thyroid overlap.

The plan was to treat my iron and then retest both my iron and thyroid to see if low iron had been what was also stressing my thyroid. I can now happily report that after quickly addressing my iron levels with an iron infusion, both my iron and thyroid levels corrected themselves and all of my symptoms disappeared.

How did you come to hear about Mainline Wellness?

Once I was diagnosed as iron deficient, my naturopath educated me about the options. I did not want to get stuck waiting months to get into a hospital for an IV. I also didn’t like the prospect of taking up to a year to build up my iron through taking supplements. I agreed with my naturopath that Mainline would likely be the best option for me. I immediately took the option to go to Mainline, and I asked for a referral to get in right away. For me, it was a no-brainer when I weighed the possibility of living with prolonged symptoms against that of getting an infusion for a fast-tracked recovery. The next week, I was sitting at Mainline being treated by Dr. Davidson.

What was your experience like receiving iron IV at the Mainline clinic?

The entire experience at Mainline was so simple, easy and comfortable. I was in and out in a couple hours, and it didn’t feel much different than sitting back in a cozy chair at a nail salon really. I was listening to music while reading and, before I knew it, the procedure was done. Having such a simple treatment available is amazing. It was so much more comfortable than going to a hospital or taking supplements every day for a year!

When did you start feeling the benefits of IV iron and what were those changes?

Shortly after the treatment, I started sleeping better, and I did feel a bit of a boost in my energy levels. My hair started regrowing thick again at the roots within a month. My skin and hormone issues began to resolve the following month as well. It was at the 3 month point when I really felt fully myself again. I would say that I continued to feel progressively more energized after treatment but felt fully recovered at around the 3 month point. That’s when my energy levels peaked and all my symptoms had fully resolved. That makes sense now that I understand more about my health and the role of iron in overall health. When I had initially gotten my iron tested, some of the other numbers representing my red blood cells were out of whack connected to the iron deficiency. When I got tested again a few months after the treatment, those tests confirmed that my iron, thyroid and other red blood cell numbers had all corrected themselves. I was ecstatic to see that, but at the 3 month point, I already knew intuitively that this would be the case.

It has now been almost a year and I can now effectively see how life changing getting that iron infusion really was for me. I continue to feel healthy and energized on so many levels. While so much is going on beneath the surface to contribute to how much better I feel, my hair is the most obvious outward sign that the simple iron treatment corrected my underlying health issue. In the year since treatment, my hair has returned to its former glory, becoming thick again and growing quickly. That in and of itself means a lot to me. I think a lot of other women can relate to that.   

Would you recommend Mainline to friends and family members?

My health transformation thanks to Mainline was incredible. I tell everyone about the big part my Mainline treatment played in recovering my sense of vitality and wellbeing.

I also think it’s important to raise awareness about iron. I think too many people sort of accept their depleted energy state or other symptoms as normal. They may not quite comprehend that something as simple as checking and treating their iron levels has the potential to change everything for them. These days, it’s so easy to explain away symptoms as stress or something else, without getting to the real root. For many people, that root may be iron. Iron treatment can make such a difference, far beyond a mere improvement to numbers on a blood test. I can personally attest to the fact that iron affects so many other things. I keep telling anyone who will listen to get their iron checked, and if it is low, to consider treating it at Mainline. It’s so worth the investment in your health and wellbeing! 


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I'm worried about getting an IV in my arm. Does it bother most patients?